Welcome to Revival of Faith Ministries!


We’re so excited because we believe that Yahweh has prepared so many blessings just for you! Our almighty father is so great and faithful to us and he is just waiting for you. As Messianic Believers, it has been a very gratifying, fulfilling and rewarding experience. Indeed, Yahweh has plans for all of us. Plans that are way beyond your expectations.

As believers, spiritual growth is very vital in our way of life.  And this can be trully achieved through the word of our almighty father Yahweh and the teachings of our Messiah Yahshua.


That is why we are so blessed and honoured to present to you the
This handbook has been put together as a guide about our beliefs, teachings and principles that will further assist our brethren, most specially the new ones on how to have a strong and solid foundation of their faith.
This should provide reassurance and a deeper meaning of faith to those

who have been very committed and also to those who are still searching and longing for answers.

Yahweh has so much in store for everyone. He is always ready to pour and shower upon us his unending love and overflowing kindess. Let us not disregard, neglect and limit what Yahweh wants to do for us and to our lives. He wants us to grow our faith strong and surrender everything to him. So we will be able to overcome trials and fulfill all of Yahweh's plans and purpose for us.

With the fulfillment of everything that Yahweh has planned for us, this will make way for other people, specially those who are still yet to know Yahweh and our messiah Yahshua, to realize and believe that their lives can change as well.


As part of one Body of our Messiah Yahshua, we all have very important roles and tasks to do. No matter how big or small our part is as an individual, we are expected to function as one church in order to create an enormous effect and impact that we want to share to the rest of the world.

Like what the Apostle Paul wrote:
For we are His workmanship, created in Messiah Yahshua for good works, 
  which Yahweh prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.”

  (Ephesians 2:10)

“Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask
  or think, according to the power that works in us.”

  (Ephesians 3:20)

It is our prayer that this Handbook will be an instrument of blessing to everyone and may serve as a true guide towards acceptance of having Yahshua as their own personal savior and Yahweh as our Almighty Father. Believe that your life

will be changed and will be used by Yahweh for his honor and glory


In Yahshua,


Pastor Rex W. Francke

Executive Pastor

Revival of Faith Ministries


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